Saw this on BORED Mommy's blog and decided to do my own:
Here’s how it works: USE ONLY TWO WORDS for each answer!
1. Where is your cell phone? IN CAR
2. Your hair? JUST CUT
3. Your mother? CUTE QUILTER
4. Your father? CRABBY GARDENER
5. Your favorite food? CHANGES DAILY
6. Your dream last night? DON'T REMEMBER
7. Your favorite drink? CAFE MOCHA
8. Your dream/goal? BEST ME
9. What room are you in? FINISHED BASEMENT
10. Your hobby? TAKING PHOTOS
11. Your fear? LOSING SOMEONE
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? BIGGER HOUSE
13. Where were you last night? COUCH NURSING
14. Something that you aren’t? DUMB BLONDE
15. Muffins? BRAN DATE
16. Wish list item? P90X DVDS
17. Where did you grow up? SAME HOUSE
18. Last thing you did? CHOCOLATE MILK
19. What are you wearing? BORING CLOTHES
21. Your pets? NONE! YAY!
22. Friends? HAVE FEW
23. Your life? THREE MEN
24. Your mood? JUST HERE
25. Missing someone? HOPE NOT!
26. Vehicle? BLACK G6
27. Something you’re not wearing? EYE LINER
28. Your favorite store? DON'T KNOW
29. Your favorite color? FOREST GREEN
30. When was the last time you laughed? EARLIER TODAY
31. Last time you cried? THIS MORNING
32. Your best friend? MY HUBBY
33. One place that I go to over and over? FARMER'S MARKET
34. One person who emails me regularly? "ENLARGE PENIS"
35. Favorite place to eat? PICNIC TABLE
Feel free to do your own. Link back to me and let me know if you do so I can read your answers!
Linked back to you :)