Saturday, October 17, 2009


So, over the course of one afternoon, my bathroom has gone from this

to this.


And here's one of several freaky wasp's nests we found right inside our shower wall.

A couple summers ago, there were these weird little black wasps that wouldn't die no matter what. We sprayed them, we had professionals come out, nothing killed them. They were going in near the bathroom window. Several times, I found them in the shower. Now I know why. They were living IN THE FRIGGIN' SHOWER! Ew ew ew.

Anyway, this isn't fun at all, but it will be nice once it's over.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! It will look nice when you get it done, I am sure. That is a huge wasp's nest and it is no wonder you could not get rid of them.
