Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Body After Baby week 5 recap

Um, yeah.


Official weigh-in was 159 on Saturday morning, so I'll take it. That's a pound down from the previous week, which is good. It's 4 1/2 pounds down from my starting weight.

Then came Halloween. And candy. And salty roasted pumpkin seeds. And hot dogs for dinner. And Sam Adams Octoberfest Beer. And ordering out for (fried) Chinese food on Sunday.


This morning I no longer weighed 159! But, it's not Saturday so maybe that will be gone by next Saturday!

Eating habits were pretty crappy this past week. Exercise was as well. This bathroom remodeling project is taking a really big bite out of my workout time. Usually, I will get a chance to go to the gym once a day, be it morning or night, for a workout, and then on the weekends, I get a little more time. But lately, Hubby's had to spend every waking moment of spare time on the bathroom and when i do go to the gym, i have very limited time AND have to work in a shower too. It's challenging.

There was no mini challenge this week, so no points to earn. We'll soon see what Samantha (of Mama Notes which is where the Body After Baby Challenge is from) has in store for us this week!

Only three weeks left. I need to really get on the horse and ride to meet my goal of 8 pounds in 8 weeks. I still have faith I can do it!


  1. I think you can do it too, just stick to it and go over what has helped you lose weight in the past. I also wanted to loss 8 pounds in 8 weeks and I will, I'm 3lbs away.

  2. mmmm . . . Sam Adam's October Fest.

    Are you taking any vitamins?
    I used to do crunches during commercial breaks. I might need to start that again.

    You can do it :D


  3. Yep. Halloween candy was bad for met too!

  4. Hang in there I know you can do it! It will be over before we know it. I can't believe we only have 3 weeks left.

  5. October Fest...mmmm. It's one of those things I just haven't been able to remove from my diet. haha.

    You can do it! Hope you meet your goal!
