Monday, December 7, 2009

We got our tree! Now we need snow.

Happy Monday!

Well, I'm feeling quite a bit better, FINALLY! Made it to the gym Saturday and did elliptical for 30 then hit upper body pretty well, especially upper back. Still feeling that! I did chest press, close-grip lat pulldown, one-arm rows, cable triceps extensions, dumbbell front punches and cable upright rows. (3 sets of 10 per exercise)

Then on Sunday I did 30 minutes of stairs and then some hams. I did the leg curl machine, lower back extensions, plie squats and stiff-legged deadlifts. Oh yeah!

Got up at 4:45 this morning and went for a 2.8-mile jog. Started out really chilly but ended up steaming! Coughed up some stuff, but in all the cold air felt good on my lungs. I sure am sick of coughing!

We got our Christmas tree on Saturday and decorated it last night. Here are some photos from the tree farm, visiting Santa (whose beard COVERED his face! It was weird) and of the tree, which is in our kitchen.

We did have some issues with it... Either they drilled it wrong or I picked a crooked tree. Frustrating! It's always something, it seems. Anyway, Hubby took care of it by sticking a piece of wood under the back of the tree stand, so it all worked out.

My mom's on her way down today to visit and to watch Jordan while I volunteer in Logan's classroom on Wednesday. They are calling for some nasty weather on Wednesday (snow and freezing rain). I hope they are wrong. I am ready for some snow, because it's pretty (though it does make running outside a lot more of a challenge!) but I don't like my loved ones driving in it.

Not much else going on, really. I have a few errands to run today but other than that, just a typical Monday.

Hope yours is great!