Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We don't really celebrate this day, though now with an almost five-year-old we are kind of forced to recognize it. That's fine. What's wrong with having a day dedicated to love?

Except it really should be every day.

So, I'm not going to be getting flowers today (I'd love them, but would MUCH rather have them on some random day than today. I'm not going to get jewelry or a big velvet heart full of chocolates.

I am, however, going to spend the day with my three guys, so that will be perfect.

Love, baby, this is it!


Sarah Frills4Thrills said...

I totally agree with your view of Valentine's Day! My husband is actually at a conference for work tonight and I was out shopping.. and then I went to a sushi boat restaurant and realized i was the only single person there!! Hahaha! It was ok though because my husband takes me out all the time!

As far as the S&P shakers go, no... they do not sprinkle out through little holes. They are really great for pouring into measuring spoons for cooking, but not for a light dash on your soup. But they look really neat!