Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Feeling uninspired

I'm having one of those mornings where I'm feeling uninspired because I have a lot to do.

For one, I started the massive project yesterday of cleaning out the file cabinet. Years of check stubs, owner's manuals, school papers (I only kept a few from college), hiking maps, memorabilia from Logan and Jordan, honeymoon stuff ('cause I want to go back to Maine one day and want to remember the spots we visited) and tons upon tons of random things that I must look at and determine if it's doing me any good by living in my file cabinet.

So now it looks like a paper-dropping tornado visited my basement.


Also on tap today (not in this order):

Feed kids several times
Play date
get gas
gym, since I skipped last night
reschedule hair appointment. WAY overdue.

I've got some things I need to write (couple reviews and other stuff)

I want to get my garden bed ready 'cause Dad said I should already be putting in lettuce and spinach and peas. Like I even have time!

Yeesh. Just lots to do which, of course, makes me not want to do anything!

I'm sure I won't touch the garden today, and probably not the writing either. I am really going to try to do as much of the rest as possible without being an awful mom. The play date is going to take a lot of my day, but that's OK. I get to see my friend and we're planning to go for a walk and let the boys ride their scooters. That will be nice.

Yeah, and I'm sure the file cabinet will take me days as well.

OK, that's all. Great blog post, huh? Bet you just couldn't LIVE without seeing my to-do list for the day.

Told ya I was uninspired! :)


MarciaG said...

I feel your pain. Ugh. I want to go back to bed!

Krista said...

Girl that is A LOT! That would overwhelm me too. Sorry I didn't enter the giveaway but the socks site was blocked for me. =(