Hope everyone is having a lovely long weekend so far. I know we are.
It's been kind of hard because Jordan is still crabby after a week of being sick. I hope he feels better soon. He's mainly just clingy and whiny but at least his fever is gone. Unfortunately, I caught it and have felt just miserable for days, but as we all know, there are no breaks for mommies, even sick ones! I took Wednesday and Thursday off from working out and just did a light workout yesterday. Today will also be light because I still feel awful. The body aches just won't go away and I'm coughing up... stuff. Add to that a double ear infection (which I get every time my glands are swollen for any reason, because I have screwed-up ears) and it's not pretty! I have been living on Sudafed to try to keep the congestion and aches at bay, but I still tire easily.
Aside from that, though, the weather has been absolutely tremendous, and we have definitely been taking advantage of it.
On Thursday, I hung clothes on the line, but I had to figure out a way to buy myself some time to do it without Jordan FREAKING OUT because I wasn't holding him. Enter water play. I filled up a milk jug with water and carried it outside with a bowl, spoon, funnel and a handful of things from our recycling, and it gave me about ten minutes to hang the clothes. Unfortunately, I spent about five of those minutes taking photos because the boys were having fun playing together with the water. What a simple toy!
Oh, and I was lucky to have Jordan leave his super cute sun hat on for all of five minutes. He pretty much rips it off the second I put it on. I ended up greasing up his head with sunblock the rest of the time. OH! And the mosquitoes are out! Jordan has a bite on his leg and a couple on his head, and they were attacking the backs of my knees. That must be my sweetest spot, because they always get me there!
Friday was just gorgeous. We were outside a lot of the day. I dug a spot next to my strawberries and planted some peas. They were old seeds, and I didn't soak them first so we'll see if they even come up. If they do, they're in danger of being eaten by the bunnies due to the location. Hubby also helped by hauling loads of compost from the pile to help fill my salad table. I hope to plant some lettuce and spinach in there today. I'll do a post soon about my salad table. It's a really handy way to do a bit of kitchen gardening if you don't have a big yard or don't want to dig up your yard.
Hubby put the battery in the Gator that Logan got for his second birthday and Logan helped haul compost in the back of it, then Jordan got his first Gator ride, which he loved.
We all had peanut butter and jelly for lunch, with home-grown alfalfa sprouts. MMmmmmm.
Later, we got the sandbox out for the season! Jordan loved it. That was Logan's FIRST birthday present. Logan got all the good stuff for his birthdays, but I'm so glad that we can get more use out of it all. (Gator, sand box, swingset)
Anyway, not sure what's up for today. It's supposed to rain later. That might put a damper on our outdoor Easter egg hunt! We'll have to make sure the house is picked up before bed in case the Bunny has to hide the eggs indoors.
Hope the rest of your weekend is great!
4 years ago
Sorry you are still feeling sick. Love all the pictures though. At least the boys are starting to feel a bit better to enjoy the nice weather. Have a happy Easter!!!
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